Toxins in Food - The Greatest Mix of Ignorance, Denial and Deception

By Boro Petric
If you want an interesting exercise to do some time, try going to your local supermarket and checking the ingredients labels on the foods you eat the most often. Go ahead. Check out the things that make up your favorite foods.
Take a gander at the ingredients in those snacks that your children eat. Chances are, you'll read a lot of chemical names that you aren't familiar with, along with a few things that you've probably heard of. In addition to seeing and learning some very long chemical names, you'll probably not see even one warning about the toxins in foods that people eat day in and day out. Many of these toxins are the very names you read on the back of the food packaging.
How about that for an eye opener?
What They're Not Telling Us
Something else you may want to take note of as your perusing these foods is the number of them that say "All Natural", "Healthy" or some other jargon that leads you to believe that these foods are actually good for you and your family. They are telling you one thing, yet feeding you quite another.
The vast majority of processed foods are so filled with toxins, and the producers of these foods aren't even forced to tell you that they are poisoning you to death. They have to disclose calories, fats, carbohydrates and protein levels, but the powers that be never make the food giants disclose one word about the toxins they feed us.
Looks like the government, and their administrative bodies are not looking out for us after all.
What Toxins?
Okay, you might think that it is a brash assumption to say that the ingredients in foods are toxic. After all, there's lots of healthy, nutrients being added to foods too, right? Not so much. In fact, the vitamin fortifying and mineral adding that goes on is really just more toxin loading in the disguise of being a nutritional boost.
The vitamins and minerals the food companies add to their concoctions are usually chemically engineered and developed in laboratories. They may say that they are vitamins, but, more often than not, they are isolated, engineered mega-doses of synthetic vitamins that are being administered in such a way as to be toxic rather than being healthy.
The Simple Poisons
Don't think that an additive or ingredient has to have a long, difficult to pronounce name to be toxic.
Corn Fructose Syrup, which is a common ingredient in hundreds of foods, is no innocuous ingredient or sweetener. Rather, its liquid death that causes sever toxic build up in our bodies faster than nearly any other common ingredient found in foods today.
It doesn't have to sound like a dangerous chemical to be one, corn fructose syrup and other common, every day ingredients are deadly co-conspirators to our health just as much as any other ingredient.
What to Do?
To break free from the toxins in foods that are causing so many diseases and physical ailments, you have to avoid the processed, everyday food that is the staple of the Modern diet.
Begin to eat the way nature intended, in other words unprocessed and non-refined foods (organic meat, living plant foods & water) and eschew the processed junk and you will begin to feel better as your body is finally getting the food it so desperately needs. You will likely feel better after only a few days, as your body begins to thrive on foods free from the toxins that you have probably been ingesting for years and years.
You have the power to make this change, you just need to decide to do it - for your health's sake.
Download your free ebook 15 Secrets to Super Health that could put you on the fast-track to Super Health.
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