All You Need to Exercise Is Willpower

By Phil Tucker

I've heard every excuse under the sun as to why people can't or won't exercise. They say they don't have membership at a gym, that they don't have access to good equipment, that they're waiting for the beginning of the year, that they're depressed because they're getting no results, that they don't know what to do, that they're too tired all the time, that working out is boring, that they don't have enough time, that they don't have enough energy, and on and on it goes. The truth is that you need nothing in order to workout other than the desire to exercise. That is all.

I remember hearing about a Russian boxing champion who trained in the fifties in Soviet Russia. This was before Rocky IV, back when the Russian boxing world was bare basics. He said that he would train every day lifting rocks, moving chunks of concrete, that he would run and exercise without a single professional item. But did he let that stop him? No. He rose to the occasion and did more than just train: he excelled.

Than there's the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. When he was training in Germany, before he came out to Muscle Beach and became famous in the US, he was enrolled in the army. However, he would escape base to train, and would often even break into closed gyms at night in order to get access to the machinery. Think about that. He faced military disciplining because he went AWOL in order to compete in a body building competition. That's raw, naked desire. In fact, he once went on record saying that if eating raw feces would put an extra inch on his chest, he would do it without blinking. How are your excuses sounding now?

What people have to realize is that there is a difference between being unable to workout, and not wanting to workout. My brother ran the marathon the other day, and all sorts of people were racing with him. Blind people. Paraplegics. People with one leg, or any other number of handicaps. Did they let that stop them? No. So look at your excuse, and see just how well it stacks up.

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