How to Control Your Inner Emotions

The way that you are going to experience a life of inner peace and joy is by controlling your emotions. You can not allow your emotions to go haywire and then expect to experience peace and joy on a constant basis. Here are some tips for helping you to control your emotions in order to maintain your inner peace and live your life full of joy:

1) Stop Complaining
2) Control your temper and
3) Leave your baggage at the door

#1 Stop Complaining
Have you ever met a person who complains all of the time about what is going wrong in their life. Have you noticed that a person who complains all of the time never appears to be sad and angry most of the time and they never seem to be happy. The reason why is, if you complain all of the time then you are focusing on the negative and your emotions will respond to what you are focusing on. If you want to be happy then you have to change our perspective and instead of complaining you should find somethings to be grateful about. When you are grateful, you will find yourself smiling more often

#2 Control Your Temper
When you are working on maintaining your inner peace, it is going to be of utmost importance that you take control of your temper. You can take control by making a decision that everyday you are going to see the good in all people and in all situations. You have to make a decision because your decision is going to determine how you respond when you experience a day that is not going your way. You have to decide that regardless of your outside circumstances you are still going to maintain a state of inner peace and joy.

#3) Tip: Leave Your Baggage at the Front Door
Let's face it, everyday is not going to be sunshine. You are going to have some days when you are challenged to maintain your state of inner peace and joy. If you are not having a good day, please do not subject others to your pain. Instead, leave your baggage at the front door and suck it up.You have to decide that regardless of your outside circumstances you are still going to maintain a state of inner peace and joy. Decide before you enter the door that you are going to be a " Beacon of Light" and that you are going to "Uplift someone's spirits today"

Antionette Tate M.Div, is a Inner Peace Expert who enjoys helping people to discover how to maintain their Inner Peace and how to live their life full joy. For more tips, she invites you to visit her blog "Inner Peace and Joy: Tips to Help You Maintain Inner Peace and Joy Daily"
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  1. This is great! Maintaining Inner Peace is a process, and will be always for thy self that has the choice "to be or not to be.. <3

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  4. Is it possible to attain "inner peace" without dealing with the "why" of your negativity? I had "anger problems" and no matter how often I tried to distract from the negativity (i.e. read, write, exercise, meditate) I always somehow came full circle back to the anger. I found that instead of ignoring why I couldn't control my anger and by finding the root of the problem, I was able to live a more positive life and thus, a more positive existence (i.e. by finally accepting who I am and loving myself instead of hating my "inadequacies"). I suppose my point is instead of ONLY doing what you described above, why not put those issues to rest FOR GOOD and know the WHY; not just the how/when/what to avoid... -SMILE :)

  5. This article is a very short term addressing of other and deeper issues. These need to be addressed if you truly want to sustain long term happiness - just as PhilosophyDoc05 pointed out.

    I suggest you read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People which covers in great depth, self-victory, re-scripting your responses, power of choice etc.

  6. Easier said than done. This is a load of crap. Sounds like a conservative jerk to me. That's why we are human. Everyone makes mistakes. You've been angry before and I am sure you will be angry again in the future. NO ONE IS PERFECT!!

