Are Your Friends Bringing You Down?

By Dean R Black 

Hello Everyone, I hope you are doing well.

Let's chat about the people you surround yourself with. If you want to be successful and you are surrounding yourself with successful people then that will help you achieve what it is you are striving for.

If you are working on being successful and you hang out with people who are not interested in rising any higher than they are right now then that will be a negative influence on you.

Look at what you are saying about what you want and then look at what you actually do. When you tell yourself that you want to be successful and you say all the right things then that is great, but are you actually doing the things that will help you become successful. If you want success and you hang out with unsuccessful people then what you are doing to yourself is damaging to your psyche.

This is harming you because what you are saying is in conflict with what you are actually doing. Everyone we surround ourselves with has an influence on us. This works both ways, both positive and negative.
When we surround ourselves with successful people the positive influences they have rub off on us, we can not help but absorb their traits and habits into our own.

When you surround yourself with negative people then the same rules apply except in the negative. We absorb the negative aspects of their traits and habits.

The reason this happens is because your mind is like a sponge, it sucks up everything it sees and hears. So if you are exposing yourself to negative influences then that is what will get into your head. If you expose yourself to positive people then that is what will soak into your mind. So much of this works through your unconscious that you do not even notice it until it is to late. Then you have to work hard to undo the damage.

Once the damage is done then the work you have to do to even get the negative influences out of your life is hard enough. Then you have to get started on putting the positive influences into your head.

The first thing for you to do is to identify the negative influences and start getting them out of your life. At the same time start surrounding yourself with positive influences from successful people. There are many inspirational books, websites, podcasts and videos out there so it is only a matter of searching for it on the internet and you are sure to find something that works for you.

I hope that was helpful.
Thank you for tuning in.

To Your Success,

Dean R Black

Dean R Black 2011.Father of 3 and husband who loves his wife and kids more than anything. Self Employed, love philosophy, psychology. Network Marketing is the future of marketing and it is here right now. I love it.
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